Get Started with Relias Academy in 3 easy steps:
We've made it as easy as possible to search through our hundreds of accredited online courses to find the ones that meet your needs.
Scroll down to quickly learn the best ways to find what you're looking for.
How do I find the Courses that I need?
We've made it as easy as possible. Whether you're interested in browsing groups of courses or searching for something specific, we've got you covered.
1. Quick Search
Go straight to the home page to enter in keywords for specific courses that you might require (e.g. "ethics") to see a list of courses associated with your search word(s).
2. Browse by Category
We have created an organized menu system so that you can narrow your course options down to your specific accreditation needs or type of license. Simply find our main menus at the top, and scroll down through professions and topic areas.
At the top of most departments, you'll find convenient packages to help you save time and money. Packages cover certain license requirements, and offer savings over single course purchases!
When you find a course that interests you, just add it to your cart or wishlist and checkout when convenient.
If you see a course that would benefit your peers, please take a moment to share it via facebook, twitter, or email! As soon as you've completed your transaction you'll be able to find your course(s) in your "My Academy" under "My Courses".